The Light that Was Dark – A Prayer Request

My old friend and colleague, Warren Smith, had a heart attack yesterday. I’ve known him for over 25 years. I came across his first book, The Light that Was Dark (first printing in the early1990’s) where he described his coming out of the Rajneesh cult and heavy duty occult/New Age teachings into the light of Jesus Christ. His books went from there. Every so many months, I would hear his articulate voice on the phone. “Ingrid, I’ve been writing this new book…”, and we would strategize for the next radio interview.

Warren’s eloquent first hand description of the “light” he encountered in the New Age movement and his discovery that it was a counterfeit light sums up spiritual deception better than any I have heard. He hasn’t wavered in his message of warning. There are counterfeits, because the real thing exists spiritually. Please remember Warren in prayer.

For those interested in his books, here is Lighthouse Trails’ page. for more information. (The books are available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble and other outlets.)  I wish I could share the many interviews we did on Crosstalk Radio through the years. So many times, I felt the Lord’s direction and help in those programs which were a wake-up call to many. If you would like to send well wishes to Warren Smith, here is the contact information.

6 thoughts on “The Light that Was Dark – A Prayer Request

  1. Jeanne Kotiadis says:

    Thank you Ingrid for giving me the privilege of helping Warren Smith. I have been so blessed by his books and pamphlets, too. My prayer is for his healing and strength. ‘grandma’ Jeanne


  2. Beverley says:

    Thank you for posting this prayer request for Warren Smith. Lighthouse Trails has posted the same request.
    Believe it or not, Ingrid, a few minutes ago I wrote to a FB friend mentioning you and other ministries who helped reassure me that I was not crazy. That I was seeing “a darkness” within the church and para-church ministries.
    I had read one of Warren’s books and then met Warren several years ago. He was so gracious and commented on how welcomed he felt during this first visit to Canada. He was humble and yet forthright in his presentation. He was also a great encourager to anyone who wavered — He was aware that the man I married was wavering — he took it upon himself to always talk to us during the breaks and kept imploring this man to know where he stood with God because the times were so unpredictable and that our lives could end at any moment.
    I join others in praying for Warren and his wife. ❤

  3. Beverley J. (Another Beverly) says:

    Praying right now for your friend, Ingrid. He sounds like a wonderful man of God…someone whom the enemy of our souls would love to take down. He has upset the forces of darkness. May our Great Physician touch his body and restore him to health. God bless him, his family and his ministry. ~ another Beverley in Canada

  4. Carolyn says:

    Warren Smith has also been a strong voice against the unbiblical seeker movement. Because of his courage, he has blessed many people through warning them of that compromise. Praying for him.

  5. Alec says:

    Dear Lord, please help and comfort our dear brother, Warren, and his family. May he have a quick recovery. Through Jesus Christ. Amen

  6. Rose says:

    About 10 years ago, I was reading the Purpose Driven Life book that I had received as a Christmas gift. I happened to turn on the radio one day and it was Warren Smith warning about that very book. I was on the third chapter and I remember feeling that something about it didn’t sit right with me, but couldn’t put my finger on it. Well, Warren opened my eyes very wide that day. I threw that book in the trash and went out and bought one of Warren’s books instead. I am so thankful for his ministry and I will definitely be praying for him.

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