
My name is Ingrid Schlueter, and I am wife of 22 years to Tom, mother of six children, grandmother to 4, and former talk radio host and producer of 23 years. I also published a news and comment blog for 7 years covering some of the serious issues within evangelicalism.

My personal blog, begun in 2007, is where I write about or post a mix of things that interest me, predominantly hopeful things in a world where hope is often in short supply. The one thing I have learned through the years is that God is sovereign over all things- the good, bad and ugly that comes into our lives. He specializes in taking broken things, inadequate, small and weak things, and making them whole and beautiful and useful when we give him all the pieces. Thanks for stopping by.


11 thoughts on “About

  1. Ben says:

    My name is Ben Stanford and I have played trumpet in Houston for 40+ years.
    You know, one of those guys who sit on the back row who’s sole intent is to part the hair of each and every violinist 🙂
    I understand Tom is doing the “Les” show with my long time conductor friend Bob Linder.
    I hope he enjoys Bob as much as we all here have.
    Word of caution on Bob….. if he gets started taking …… you better have plenty of time 🙂
    Bob tells me Tom is doing an outstanding job, I would love to be able to attend a show and hear their work.

  2. Ingrid Schlueter says:

    Hi Ben, what a nice surprise to get your comment here. Interesting you mentioned Bob, as Tom has said how much he has enjoyed playing under his direction! And as for your comment about parting the hair of the violinists, Tom prefers to think of it as laying waste to the entire string section! 🙂 You brass guys. The Les Mis show is going great at Skylight. On Sunday, Tom got stuck in white out conditions on the road back from church where he had his C trumpet. He had to go straight to the matinee downtown and got stuck not able to come home to get his B flat trumpet. He had to play the whole show transposing with his C trumpet. Thanks again for your note and I have your email. Tom would love to talk trumpet with another member of the brass brotherhood.

  3. Rocky says:

    I have been following you since your Slice Of Laodicea days. You are always so inspiring to me as a Christian. In this broken world, as you correctly say, I have always found you to be a person with integrity. It is comforting to me to know that there are people such as you who are willing to stand up for what is right. Keep up the good fight. There are plenty of people that admire you for your courage Ingrid. Also, I enjoy reading about our family. I remember when Will was just little guy and you were pregnant with Emmy. I feel really old right now.

  4. Ben Stanford says:

    Christmas is MORE than a special occasion for all Christians…….
    As I always tell my friends:
    “Remember the ‘Reason’ for the Season”.
    I wish a Merry and Joyous Christmas to you and
    all your readers.
    From Texas,
    Ben Stanford
    Ta Ta Ka Taa

  5. Chana Lynn says:

    Hi, reading your blog tonite helped me alot Ingrid…I am trying to break the ties with a narcissist, bi-polar man that continually lies, plays mind games and tells me the problems we have in the relationship are my fault. I have been with him 2 1/2 yrs now and am realizing that he does not want to change …he wants to be the way he is.

  6. Janice McKenzie says:

    Leave it to a women to say it best about the sickening sex scandal revelations going on. The list is getting longer by the day…thank you Internet. Let’s see: cj mahaney and Soverign Grace. I could not sleep for several days after reading the lawsuit. Brent Detwiler has the documentation on this one; Bob Jones University – Dr. Camille Lewis has done an outstanding job researching this beyond-sad history. And this Gothard 40-year cover up! What must God think of His church? Is there a crown for the countless girls and boys who suffered, tried to tell authorities, and then nothing done? There have been suicides and sick ness because of emotional stress from the Church! Is it any wonder young people do not want to attend church. Think of the agony of parents–those who went to church leaders and were told to shut up or worse yet, parents who remained silent. And, yes, I want their voices heard and respected. I want church leaders to be ashamed of themselves and repent.

  7. Jeanne says:

    Dear Ingrid,
    I do miss hearing your voice via radio…even after many years. You were a great inspiration for me and many others. I’m an eighty year old grandmother of five. They are fourteen, twelve, ten, eight and five…How I do pray for them to have a personal relationship with the Lord and His Word for their whole lives. Thankfully, they’re being homeschooled by Christian parents.
    Only God can work in their hearts…
    I’m always so surprised to see how fast your little one is growing!! With love, ‘grandma’ Jeanne

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